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  • Elle Miranda

SAS students awarded at the 11th SINAG Awards

By Elle Miranda | July 25, 2024

The Student in Non-Academic Greatness (SINAG) Awards took place for the 11th time on July 16, 2024, at the Peter G. Nepomuceno (PGN) Auditorium. 


Headed by the university’s Office of Student Affairs (OSA), the SINAG Awards honored students who represented the university in a non-academic setting and those who have provided their service to the Angelite community. This includes sports, e-sports, journalism, university-wide, and other co-curricular delegations. Student leaders from the University Student Council (USC) and College Student Councils (CSC) also received special awards, as well as the most outstanding Angelites in different categories. 

Dr. Monina M. Manalang, the Associate Vice President for Student Services and Affairs, and Ms. Iris Ann G. Castro, the Director of Student Affairs, awarded seven (7) School of Arts and Sciences (SAS) students, namely Emmanuel Manalastas, James Gabriel Oraye, Krishane Santiago, Maricon Guevarra, Abbygaile Alavaro, Cheanne Delaney Lapuz, and Lana Erin Ramos. 

Emmanuel Manalastas, a 4th year BA Communication student, and the HAU-USC President, bagged the most awards in SAS. He is a recipient of four (4) awards, specifically the Official Delegate, Best Male Presenter Nominee, 2nd Placer for Best Business Plan at the Business Leadership Program 22, American Chambers of Commerce and Industries Inc., and one of the Most Outstanding Senators of the Year.


Another SAS student who obtained numerous awards is James Gabriel Oraye, a former SAS Senator and a graduating BS Psychology student. He was commended for being the Champion for Presentation of Best Practices and Community Project at the Philippine Association of Practitioners of Student Affairs Services (PAPSAS) Region III and a Most Outstanding Senator of the Year.


With regard to the service to the students, Krishane Santiago, a 3rd year BA Communication student, and CSC-SAS Vice Governor, was awarded the Most Outstanding Councilor of the Year for her said college department. Meanwhile, Maricon Guevarra, a 2nd year BS Psychology student and Associate Director for the HAU-USC Department of Community Extension Services, received the Outstanding I Volunteer for the Youth (IVY) League member. 

As for the field of sports, Abbygaile Alavaro, a graduating BS Psychology student, won the National Gold Medalist Long Jump in Athletics in 2024 from the National Athletic Association of Schools, Colleges, and Universities.


Furthermore, former chancellor Cheanne Delaney Lapuz was recognized as an Honorable Mention Awardee under the Most Outstanding Organization Leaders of the Year 2024 for raising the Psychology Society (PsychSoc) organization.

Lastly, Lana Erin Ramos, a 3rd year BA Communication student, represented the department’s field of journalism as she received a Special Awardee in the Best Cycle of Poems in the Pamiyabe 20 Regional Creative Writing Workshop.

Photo courtesy of Shari Gayeta

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